The series follows the first years of Henrik Ibsen, the father of the modern drama. From he is 14 years old, until he moves to Christiania as a 22 year old.
as Henrik Ibsen
as Marichen Ibsen
as Laerer Stockfleth
as Knus Ibsen
as Christopher Due
as Faster Ploug
as Farmor Ibsen Paus
as Johan Ibsen
as Henrik Johan Paus
as Christopher Paus
as Hedvig Ibsen
as Byskriver
as Mormor Altenburg
as Bente
as Hilde Paus
as Latinlærer
as Stefanfar Paus
as Presten
as Henrik som barn
as Ole Ibsen
as Nicolai Ibsen
as Clara Ebbell
as Anna Abbell
as Apoteker Reimann
as Else Sofie Jensdatter
Full cast details coming soon!