The events of the series revolve in a dramatic framework around the antiquities trade, its relationship with the mafia, and everything related to the world of this trade through the story of Hassan (Amr Saad), an employee of the Antiquities Authority, after discovering the smuggling and counterfeiting of ancient manuscripts.
as حسن صابر الغريب
as هبة منصور
as جندي خال حسن
as ليلى أم حسن
as الضابط أمجد
as سلمى
as ياسر صابر الغريب
as هند صابر الغريب
as رجب
as عزة
as سهى
as رفعت
as عاشور ابن المعلم سيد
as دكتورة علياء
as المعلم سيد
as شعبان
as جاسر أو العلا
as الشيخ مدبولي
as منصور
as أم هبة
as والدة سلمى
as والد سلمى
as وزير الداخلية - ضيف شرف
as رئيس الوزراء - ضيف شرف
as ضيف شرف
as اللواء أحمد أو المجد - ضيف شرف
as ناصر
as طفل
as يارو - طفلة
as فرج
as اللواء صبري الجمال
as سناء المصري
as أمين
as مها
as سلوى
as عبده النقاش
as أولجا
as الدكتور
as شوقي
as يسرى
as فهيم
as طبيب العلاج على نفقة الدولة
Full cast details coming soon!