The story of Fyodor Chaliapin is a man who grew up in a peasant family, but was able to break into the brilliant world of theater and conquered heights that no one had ever reached before. Did he find the love of millions, could not achieve personal happiness on his own and make a choice between two beloved women? About how the strength of character and talent can lift a person to the stars and give them the opportunity to shine all over the world.
as Фёдор Шаляпин
as Мария Петцольд
as Иола Торнаги
as Исай
as Мамонт Дальский
as Константин Коровин
as Иван Яковлевич Шаляпин
as Татьяна Любатович
as Михаил Лентовский
as Максим Горький
as Таня Репина
as Бас Шульгин
as Рахманинов
as Антониетта
as Альтани
as Винченсо
as Всеволожский
as Лидия Родионовна
as Мамонтов
as Направник
as Самарский
as Серов
as Теляковский
as бас Корякин
as Шлыков
as Надя
as Елена Винтер
as заврепертуаром Мариинки
as Ключевский
as Катерина
as Луначарский
as Кондратьев
as Ефим
as семейный врач
as Фёдор Шаляпин в детстве
as Женя
as Ваня, друг детства Шаляпина
as Врубель
as Вера
Full cast details coming soon!