This drama follow the lives of two young sisters as they grow from children to adults. They each face many twists and turns before achieving true happiness.
as Sung Eun-Kyo
as Kang Wu-Sup
as Sung Jin-Kyo
as Park Sung-Pyo
as Myung Ja
as Myung Ja's son
as 박성숙
as Soo Hyung
as Soo Yeun
as Soo Hyung's mother
as Bu In
as President Ryu
as 오아시스밴드 기타리스트
as Eun Gyo and Jin Gyo's mother
as 강 사장, 우섭의 아버지
as Sung Sook's husband
as Yoo Jin
as Eun Kyo and Jin Kyo's father
as Sung Eun-Gyo [Child]
Full cast details coming soon!