TRT's historical drama, based on the life of "Barbaros" Hayreddin Pasha and his brothers. The series tells the adventures of Ishak, Oruc, Hizir, and Ilyas fighting high tides and the secrets of the seas in pursuit of the holy secret.
as Barbaros Hayreddin/Hızır Reis
as Amiral Andrea Doria
as Salih Reis
as Mia de Luna
as I. Süleyman
as Seyyare
as Aydın Reis
as Derviş Hüseyin
as Hatice Kadınefendi
as Kral Şarlken
as Kemankeş Ahmed
as Nazife
as Yahya
as Murad
as Valeria
as Halime Hatun
as I. Fransuva
as Barbaroszade Hasan
as Mihriban
as Orsini
as Ayas Paşa
Full cast details coming soon!