Kusanagi Kei, a high-school student living with his aunt and uncle, has an encounter with a female alien. This alien is revealed to be a new teacher at his school. Later, he is forced to marry this alien to preserve her secrets. From there, various romantically-inclined problems crop up repeatedly.
as Mizuho Kazami
as Kei Kusanagi
as Hatsuho Kazami
as Maho Kazami
as Marie
as Miruru
as Koishi Herikawa
as Ichigo Morino
as Hyosuke Magumo
as Kaede Misumi
as Matagu Shido
as Masaomi Yamada
as Minoru Edajima
as Konoha Edajima
as Kozue Kusanagi
as Natchan
as Principal Tendo
Full cast details coming soon!