Little Lord Fauntleroy, also known as Shoukoushi Ceddie, is a Japanese anime series produced by Nippon Animation in 1988 and was broadcast on the World Masterpiece Theater, an animation staple that showcased each year an animated version of a different classical book or story. The series is based on Frances Hodgson Burnett's book, "Little Lord Fauntleroy".
as Cedric 'Ceddie' Errol
as Earl of Dorincourt
as Annie
as James
as Mr. Silas Hobbs
as Dick Tipton
as Mr.Havisham
as Wilkins
as Bridgett
as Minna Tipton
as Jefferson
as Catherine
as Cokie
as Tom
as Rex
as Nyuwick
as Harry
as Eric
as Peter
as Roi
as James
Full cast details coming soon!