Medical drama series, local adaptation of the Korean scripted format “Dr. Romantic”, centering on a genius doctor with an accomplished career who somehow ends up leaving it all behind to be a neighborhood doctor in a small town where he meets some younger doctors and becomes a mentor to them.
as Uzm. Dr. Hakan Aydıner / Kemal Demir
as Dr. Ömer Özen
as Dr. Leyla Erpek
as Başhemşire Mine Yıldız
as Başhekim Yalçın Aygün
as Dr. Berk Aygün
as Başhekim Turgut Ölgü
as İhsan Bozkır
as Dr. Bülent Kargı
as Onur Günce
as Erol Gümüşok
as Bektaş Çelik
as Neslihan Gümüşok
as Nebahat
as Mustafa
Full cast details coming soon!