Knots Landing: Back to the Cul-de-Sac is a 1997 television miniseries that served as a reunion show for the primetime soap opera Knots Landing. It aired on CBS in two two-hour parts on May 7 and May 9, 1997. The miniseries takes place four years after the series ended in 1993, and brings back castmembers William Devane, Kevin Dobson, Michele Lee, Donna Mills, Ted Shackelford, Joan Van Ark, Michelle Phillips and Stacy Galina in starring roles. It also includes cameo appearances by former cast members Tonya Crowe, Brian Austin Green, Kim Lankford, Claudia Lonow and Patrick Petersen.
as Greg Sumner
as M. Patrick McKenzie
as Karen Fairgate McKenzie
as Abby Sumner
as Gary Ewing
as Valene Ewing
as Anne Matheson Sumner
as Kate Whittaker
as Brian Cunningham
as Bobby Ewing
as Betsy Ewing
as Meg MacKenzie
as Robert Simons
as Peggy
as Carlos
as Lily Corsino
as Jake Newman
as Olivia Cunningham Dyer
as Ginger Ward
as Diana Fairgate
as Michael Fairgate
as Det. Beck
as Molly Whittaker
as Stan Mendoza
as Willy
as Jean
as Sam Jacobson
Full cast details coming soon!