Daitetsujin 17 is a 1977 tokusatsu series created by Shotaro Ishinomori and produced by Toei. It revolves around a giant battle robot commanded by a young boy who fights the giant robots of an evil organization bent on world conquest. It is similar to Giant Robo in premise and how it ends.
as Saburo Minami
as Chie Sahara
as Dr. Sahara
as Captain Kenmochi
as Muranaka
as Unno
as Ono
as Tetsugoro Iwayama
as Tetsuji Iwayama
as Emi Iwayama
as Rumi Sahara
as Captain Gomez
as Black Tiger
as Chief Kid
as Professor Hastler
as Pink Jaguar
as Blue Jaguar
Full cast details coming soon!