The Nurses is a serialized primetime medical drama which aired on CBS from September 27, 1962 to May 11, 1965. It was originally called The Nurses when it premiered in 1962; for the second season, the title was expanded to The Doctors and the Nurses and it ran until 1965, when it was transformed into a half-hour daytime soap opera. The soap opera, also called The Nurses, ran on ABC from 1965 to 1967.
as Liz Thorpe
as Gail Lucas
as Dr. Ted Steffen
as Dr. Anson Kiley
as Dr. Ned Lowry
as Dr. Alex Tazinski "Ski"
as Saunders
as Carl
as Dr. John Griffin
as Tom Farrell
as Ellen Denby
as Larson
Full cast details coming soon!