Tetsuwan Tantei Robotack is a Japanese Tokusatsu television series created and produced by Toei Company. The series is the seventeenth and final installment of the Metal Hero Series and the partial sequel to B-Robo Kabutack. It premiered on March 8, 1998, the week following the finale of B-Robo Kabutack and ended on January 24, 1999. It joins with Bomberman B-Daman Bakugaiden, Seiju Sentai Gingaman and Yume no Crayon Oukoku as a program featured in TV Asahi.
as Kakeru Yukiyanagi
as Shigeru Sakaki
as Kōta Umeda
as Sakurako Takamine
as Dr. Yuichiro Takamine
as Misaki Tachibana
as Detective Karamatsu
as Kaoru Sugi
as Saburo Sazanka
Full cast details coming soon!