Angela is a Mexican telenovela, which was produced by Televisa and broadcast on Canal de las Estrellas in 1998. The series was first debuted on May 17, 1999 on Univision in the United States, replacing that year's hit La Mentira, and ended on September 9, 1999, being replaced by Tres Mujeres. It aired a second and a third time on Galavisión on March 15, 2000 and May 8, 2001, and ended a second and a third time on July 1, 2000 and August 24, 2001. It aired a fourth time back to Univision's late night "Grandes Historias" lineup, aired on October 28, 2003, and ended on February 27, 2004. It aired a fifth time on TeleFutura on September 18, 2006, and ended on January 8, 2007. This telenovela contained 78 episodes.
as Ángela
as Mariano
as Emilia Santillana
as Jimena Chávez
as Feliciano Villanueva
as Francisca Osuna
as Lorenza Chávez
as Yolanda Rivas
as Padre Martín Villanueva
as Esther Miranda de Lizárraga
as Óscar Lizárraga
as Emeterio González
as Diana Gallardo Santillana
as Humberto Galindo
as René Bautista Solorzano
as Catalina Lizárraga Miranda
as Susana Chávez
as Julián Arizpe
as María Molina
as Delia Bellati Roldán
as Norma Molina
as Alfonso Molina
as Claudio Sazueta
as Salvador Bautista
as Pedro Solórzano Mateos
Full cast details coming soon!