The Blue and the Gray is a television miniseries that first aired on CBS in three installments on November 14, November 16, and November 17, 1982. Set during the American Civil War, the series starred John Hammond, Stacy Keach, Lloyd Bridges, and Gregory Peck as President Abraham Lincoln. It was executive produced by Larry White and Lou Reda, in association with Columbia Pictures Television, then owned by The Coca-Cola Company.
as Abraham Lincoln
as Ulysses S. Grant
as Ben Geyser
as Senator Reynolds
as Jonas Steele
as Kathy Reynolds
as Emma Gayser
as Mary Hale
as Jacob Hale Sr.
as James Hale
as Preacher
as Lester Bedell
as Matthew Geyser
as Professor Lowe
as Malachy Hale
as Captain Potts
as Major Harrison
as Grundy
as Captain Randolph
as Christopher Spencer
as Major Fairburn
as Evelyn Hale
as Arbuthnot
as George Meade
as Maggie Geyser
as Phineas Wade
as Mark Geyser
as Major Welles
as Sergeant O'Toole
as Mrs. Lovelace
as Luke Geyser
as Seward
as John Brown
as Jonathan Henry
as Jake Hale Jr.
as Mary Todd Lincoln
as Hattie
as George
as Alvin Mooney
Full cast details coming soon!