A pink, extraterrestrial fox named Pinkfong and his friend, Hogi (a green and beige hedgehog) are a duo called "Wonderstar". They help the people of Wonderville in each episode. At the end, the duo get a friendship badge. Wonderstar has cool abilities. Pinkfong has a star shaped necklace with magical powers while Hogi is very intelligent.
as Pinkfong/ Mango Bird
as Hogi /Myan/ Jojo
as Coco / Lila / Jordi
as Tani
as Barri / Frido / TurtleFinn/ Wondercar
as Chumli / Shasha
as Codi / Pat
as Poki / Billi / Baker / Quacki
as Jeni / Rachel
Full cast details coming soon!