25 defendants, 300 trial days and a legal scandal that has gone down in the history of jurisprudence: In this thrilling legal drama, bestselling author Ferdinand von Schirach transports the so-called "Worms Trials", a German legal scandal from the nineties into the present. The result is a gripping, current legal drama about hysteria in social media, collective anger and how the hunger for revenge can overlook the victims.
as Rechtanwalt Dr. Richard Schlesinger
as Azra
as Staatsanwalt Cordelis
as Hauptkommissarin Laubach
as Angeklagter Ernesto Perez
as Kinderschützerin Ina Reuth
as Richterin Landsberg
as Richter Faller
as Kinderarzt Dr. Liessen
Full cast details coming soon!