Biography of the most famous Russian chansonnier of the twentieth century. The story of the artist who left Russia in 1919 and returned to the USSR in 1943, in the midst of World War II. Vertinsky lived, sang and was popular in Constantinople, Paris, Berlin, New York, Los Angeles, Harbin, Shanghai and Moscow. He was loved by beautiful women, he was applauded by royalty and thieves. He was a bohemian man, light and cheerful. However, this picture is primarily about his kindness. About the ability not to judge, but to regret, to sympathize with anyone. And for this, fate gifted him with great success and late family happiness. This is a story about how a songbird, an artist, a frivolous creature can live a life that causes both envy and respect.
as Vertinsky
as Kostya
as Osmerkin
as Serge
as Вера Холодная
as Мозжухин
as Надя
as Бурковская
as Соломатин
as Tanya
as Лидия Циргвава
as Левка
as Елена Павлова
as Поляков
as Рощин
as Вацек
as Раля Полонская
as Никола Карагеоргиевич
as Марлен
as Егор Бачуров
as Мира
as Лидия Павловна
as Галя
as Буби
as Михаил Брохес
as Арслан
as Наташа
as Бекетов
as Марья Тимофеева
as фельдшер
as Маруся-марафетчица
as Арцыбушева
as Мясоедов
as Михеев
as отец Мозжухина
as швейцар Андрей
as Маша Рощева
as Серж Масленников
as Поплавский
as Чебаченко
as Довид Кнут
as Люк
as Ида Львовна
as Курт Шлегель
as Боря
as Арам Ашотович
as советский консул в Шанхае
as Нелли
as Давид Железнов
as Малофеев
as Изюмов
as Антонина Михайлова
as Гамзатов
as Молотов
as муж Бурковской
as кондуктор
as однокурсница Лиды
as мсье Гера
as вор
as офицер
as Верочка
as преподаватель физкультуры
as криминалист
Full cast details coming soon!