Sol Negro was an Argentine television miniseries that aired on the América TV channel in late 2003. The plot focuses on the story of a young man who is admitted to a neuropsychiatric hospital to evade prison, and revolves around his insertion in the circle of inmates of the hospital and a complicity network to take away his share of a family inheritance.
as René
as Anita
as Prisoner
as Dra. Gloria Glezer
as Lara
as El Negro DE'rrico
as Laucha
as Marito
as Teddy
as Lito
as Dr. Mariano Puentes
as Pedro Bustos
as Juan "Japa"
as Sabrina De Bustos
as Augusto
as Rocío Fosatti
as Antonio Mercenaro
as Enrique Bustos
as Riquelme
as Periodista
as Ramiro Bustos
as Dr. Franco Iturralde
Full cast details coming soon!