A series about the events of 1943, when, after the devastating events near Stalingrad, German troops are preparing for revenge. A Soviet landing group was thrown into the territory occupied by German troops. The combat mission of the deceased reconnaissance group was to reconnoiter the plans of the impending German counteroffensive, which was supposed to come either from Belarus or from the Kursk direction.
as Grigoriy
as Alena
as Dasha
as Walter
as Mukhin
as Katya
as Galka
as Johann Weiss
as Greta
as Saveliy
as Митяй
as Nina Usatova
as Oleg
as Schwartz
as Burgomaster Kuzmich
as Oberst
as Nadya
as Fedor
as Gestapo
as Emelyanych
as Nina
as German Soldier
as Faina
Full cast details coming soon!