This gripping five-part drama follows a tense police surveillance investigation into a tight knit Manchester community and explores whether it is ever possible to observe the lives of others with true objectivity and zero effect.
as DC Martin Young
as Zoe Sterling
as Caitlin Sterling
as Kate Tuckman
as DCI Jill Conroy
as Gemma Hillman
as Greg Sullivan
as DI Liam Cox
as DC Roly Dalton
as Carl Tuckman
as DC Stella Beckett
as Pavel Ludic
as Melissa
as Fiona Baker
as Janice Baines
as DC Hayley Jones
as Tim
as Dominic Banley
as Chloe Tuckman
as Sarah Young
as Donald Vernon
as Wictor
as Vic
as Lena Jones
Full cast details coming soon!