This Sci-Fi adventure follows the struggle between good and evil forces in an alternate universe, and what happens when their 4,000-year-long conflict crosses over into modern-day Shanghai to endanger both worlds.
as Smith
as JT Dunnit
as Quentin Mitchell
as Amy Li
as Linda Meyers
as Uncle
as Tsao Min
as Jagger
as Simon Cross
as Dominic Tonelli
as Victoria Burns
as Fish
as Leon Jessup
as Shadow Warrior
as Anna
as David White
as Gwen Torrance
as Richard Coventry
as Aurora
as Ori
as Shaolin Priest
as Tess
as Thomas
as Marguerite
as Tao
as D. Walker
as Petrino
as Serena
as Shadow Warrior
as Mallroy
as Head Rider / Club Owner
Full cast details coming soon!