Eight-part drama covering the lives of the queens of Egypt from Cleopatra II in 145 BC to the death of the famous Cleopatra VII in 30 BC.
as Cleopatra
as Theodotus
as Pot Belly
as Cleopatra, the mother
as Julius Caesar
as Mark Antony
as Chickpea
as Cleopatra Tryphaena
as Canidius
as Achoreus
as Bolis
as Aristarchus
as Arsinoe
as Perigenes
as Scipio Africanus
as Cato
as Apollodorus
as Ptolemy
as Cyzicenus
as Onias
as Alexander
as Criton
as Grypus
as Sophron
as Philocles
as Quintus Dellius
as Pothinus
as Pythagoras
as Gabinius
as General Chaereas
as Sextus
as Cleopatra Berenike
as Diomedes
as Cleopatra Selene
as Demetrius
as Octavian
as Maid
as Demetrius
as Cleopatra, eldest daughter
as Achillas
as Marsyas
as Seleucus
as Soldier / Servant
as Dancer
as Assassin (uncredited)
Full cast details coming soon!