Tatsuya Fujiwara plays a talented detective who trades hardened criminals for troubled teenagers. Placed in an unruly public junior high school, he gets to work contending with the many problems it faces and uncovers some more serious ones. While the detective tries to operate in the hard-line way he knows best, he finds himself confronted by a skeptical and fiery teacher, played by award winning actress Yoko Maki.
as Ryuhei Shimada
as Ryoko Asamura
as Hiroki Saegusa
as Kaede Mizuno
as Kijima Toshifumi
as Kaori Ogawa
as Toru Shibata
as Masahiro Okabe
as Kiyoshi Niizu
as Hiroaki Abe
as Sawada Atsuko
as Ichihara Kenta
as Yuzuha Matsumoto
Full cast details coming soon!