A story of Yagyu Jubei, master swordsman from the well-known Yagyu-Shinkage school in the Edo period. Even decades after the establishment of the Tokugawa shogunate, many were framing plots to topple Tokugawa's political system. The master of Yagyu-Shinkage school, Yagyu Munemori who serves the third Tokugawa shogun Iemitsu is commissioned to keep an eye on Daimyo lords all around Japan. Munemori's eldest son, Jubei starts a stealthy trip to fight against those who engage in secret maneuvers. Enjoy sword fighting actions between Jubei and his rivals.
as Yagyu Jubei
as Sayama Kanpei
as Nishioka Daijiro
as Kaede
as Yui Fujitaro
as Yagyu Matajuro
as Toda Kageyu
as Munenori Yagyu Tajimanokami
as Torii Sakyonosuke
Full cast details coming soon!