University student Sawano Natsumi lives in Shonan, Kanagawa Prefecture. An encounter in Hawaii makes her decide to bring the popular pancake restaurant Eggs n’ Things to Japan, which sparks a pancake boom in the country. Despite suffering difficulties and setbacks, Natsumi fulfils her dream, motivated by thoughts of her father as well as the support of family and friends.
as Sawano Nami
as Mitsuyama Ryosuke [Nami's childhood friend]
as Murase Reiko [Eggs'n Things clerk]
as Ezaki Takuma [young man living in Hawaii]
as Morino Mana [Nami's best friend]
as Wada Mizuho [Nami's best friend]
as Takamatsu Kosuke [Young entrepreneur]
as Sawano Sae [Nami's older sister]
as Sawano Kenta [Nami's father]
as Sawano Terumi [Nami's mother]
as Sawano Kyoji [Nami's uncle]
as Mitsuyama Sakiko
as Kirihara Shouichi [Ronron café owner]
as Masae [Regular customer]
as Ibata [regular customer]
Full cast details coming soon!