At Yurigahara High School, the occult legend of "Yuriko-sama" has been handed down for generations. The existence of "Yuriko-sama" who reigns at the top of the school and brings misery to those who stand against her. The only condition to become a "Yuriko-sama" is to have the name Yuriko. In the new semester, a new "Yuriko-sama" fight begins. In order to save Yasaka Yuriko, her best friend, Shimakura Mizuki stands up and challenges the truth behind the legend.
as 嶋倉 美月
as 矢坂 百合子
as 由利 小太郎
as 浅香 樹里
as 岼子 美咲
as 光野 沙良
as 筒見 友里子
as 水島 百合子
as 西島 揺子
as 岸 ゆり子
as 神崎 真歩
as 松沢 佑璃子
as Hinata Saito
as 木下 壮太
as 進藤 あきら
as 東田 福助
as 里中 鉱次
as 半藤 周作
as 学校の校務員
as 高見沢 友利夫
as 大島 恵理子
as 永尾 明日香
as 佐藤 那奈
as 新山 春香
as 鈴木 由香里
as 中野 美希
as 安藤 明子
as 前田 咲良
as 田坂 ひかり
as 横山 巧
as 北村 雄一
Full cast details coming soon!