Set in the 1990's, high school student Ayu lives with her mother and grandmother in Fukuoka. She works as a model, but, to pursue an acting career, she goes to Tokyo with her grandmother. While attending a high school, she picks up acting work, but only minor roles. One day, Ayu meets Masa, who is the executive director of record label A Victory. He decides to make Ayu into a singer. According to Masa, Ayu prepares to make her debut as a singer. Meanwhile, she encounters jealousy from rivals at her record label. Trusting Masa, Ayu endures her problems. She also develops feelings for Masa and Masa also holds feelings for her.
as Ayu
as Masa
as Nakatani
as Ōhama
as Shō Rukawa
as Risa Tamaki
as Mika Nojima
as Asuka Yoshida
as Tenmei Kira
as Sachiko
as Satomi Shiina
as Reika Himeno
as Mari Nishitani
as Naoki Sayama
as OTF
as OTF
as OTF
as USG
as Shizuka
as USG
as Maki Saeki
as USG
as USG
as USG
as Nao
Full cast details coming soon!