Dado Villa-Lobos

Dado Villa-Lobos

Eduardo "Dado" Dutra Villa-Lobos (born 29 June 1965) is a Belgian-born Brazilian musician, best known as the ex-guitarist of brazilian rock band Legião Urbana. Along with singer Renato Russo and drummer Marcelo Bonfá, he was one of the founding members of that band, who formed in Brasília in 1982. Villa-Lobos remained with the band through all of their studio albums, until the group dissolved after the 1996 death of Russo. In 2005, he released his first solo album, Jardim de Cáctus, produced by Laufer .

On 30 May 2012, attended the Tribute to Legião Urbana with Wagner Moura, where they clashed with a fan during the presentation.

He is the grandnephew of Heitor Villa-Lobos.