Lucien Rozenberg

Lucien Rozenberg

Lucien Rozenberg (11 June 1874 – 1 November 1947) was a French actor, theatre director, playwright and film director. He was principally known as a stage performer, but during the First World War he starred in a series of short comedy films, and in the 1930s returned to the screen in films by, among others, Abel Gance.

During his stage career Rozenberg played in a wide range of plays from verse tragedy by Catulle Mendes to farce by Georges Feydeau to melodrama by Somerset Maugham. In addition to starring in Parisian theatres he appeared in the French provinces, and during the 1920s was seen in twenty plays during a long tour of South America.

During the Second World War Rozenberg had to hide from the Germans during their occupation of Paris; his plans to re-establish himself after the war were unrealised.