Houda Echouafni

Houda Echouafni

Houda Echouafni is a British-Moroccan actress. Her theatre work includes The RSC, The National Theatre and The Globe Theatre.

Echouafni began filming Penny Woolcock's The Death of Klinghoffer in Malta while she was still at Drama school. Other roles include Doctors, Waking the Dead and Hotel Babylon, Green Wing

Echouafni has Worked with the Royal Court, translating and acting in plays for their international season. This has resulted in one of her translations being published in the book Plays from the Arab World by Nick Hern Books.

Echouafni played Shahrazad in Tim Supples' 6 hour production of One Thousand and One Nights to critical acclaim the play was adapted by Hanan al-shyakh.

Her TV work includes Mother Mary in the epic TV series Jesus: His Life for the History Channel.