Jaroslav Filip

Jaroslav Filip

Jaroslav Filip (22 June 1949, Hontianske Moravce – 11 July 2000, Bratislava), known as Jaro Filip, was a Slovak musician, composer, humorist, dramaturge, actor, columnist, and early promoter of the internet in Slovakia. His work includes numerous pop hits in cooperation with the singer Richard Müller, including "Cigaretka na dva ťahy", "Milovanie v daždi", and "Daňový únik".

From the 1970s, Filip collaborated with comedians and musicians Milan Lasica and Július Satinský, recording a number of albums, including Bolo nás jedenásť, S vetrom o preteky, and My. In the 1990s, he was a member of a group of Slovak humorists (with Stano Radič, Rasťo Piško, and others) who appeared in several formats both on TV and radio, commenting on political and social life in the country.

Filip died on 11 July 2000 due to a massive heart attack.