Ichikawa Ebizo XI

Ichikawa Ebizo XI

Ichikawa Danjūrō XIII (十三代目 市川 團十郎, Jyūsandaime Ichikawa Danjūrō) (born December 6, 1977) is a Japanese Kabuki, film, television actor and stage producer. He is the eldest son and successor of the celebrated Ichikawa Danjūrō XII. He is known for being a renowned tachiyaku (actor specializing in male roles), in particular he specializes in aragoto roles (which is a tradition that has existed in his family since 1660 with his ancestor and founder of the Naritaya acting house, Ichikawa Danjūrō I).

Prior to assuming his current title, Danjūrō was known as Ichikawa Ebizō XI (十一代目 市川 海老蔵, Jyūichidaime Ichikawa Ebizō), the eleventh holder of the Ebizō name.