Early on in this engaging historical drama, a marquis (played by the singularly droll Jacques Nolot) offers a peddler a carriage ride on a remote country road. After sizing up his benefactor, the peddler fights motion sickness to deliver his sales pitch: “I have here a few objects of wonder, pious images, pamphlets against men of the cloth, newspapers from Amsterdam and London, holy cards, quills, writing paper…”
as Le marquis
as Le colporteur Jean Sératin
as Court-Toujours
as Bélissard
as Malice
as Ma Noblesse
as Blondin
as La Buse
as La Flûte
as Mandrinette
as Le sergent
as L'imprimeur Jean-Luc Cynan
as Le brigadier-chef
as Kalou
as Delmas