Bhagavanth Kesari's life takes an unexpected turn when he becomes the guardian of Vijaya Lakshmi aka Vijji, daughter of his jailer. Kesari, with his unwavering sense of justice, embarks on a journey to nurture Vijji into a resilient young woman aspiring to join the Indian army. Intertwined in this narrative is the presence of Rahul Sanghvi, a power-hungry tycoon whose connection with Bhagavanth and Vijji, unravels hidden secrets.
as Nelakonda Bhagavanth Kesari
as Vijayalakshmi "Vijji"
as Rahul Sanghvi
as Dr. Kathyayani "Kaachi"
as Narrator
as Ratan Shukla
as Party President
as Minister
as Minister
as English Speaking Party Member
as Cheif Minister
as Rahul Sanghvi's Fixer
as CI Srikanth
as Bhagavanth's Mother
as Sarath Sanghvi
as District Magistrate
as Deputy CM's PA
as Reporter
as Deputy CM
as Karthik
as Vijji's Trainer
as Japatri
as SP
as Constable Rafi
as Lorry Driver
as Rahul Sanghvi's Employee
as Kaachi's Cousin
as Goon
as SI Diwakar