The story revolves around seven-year-old Londri Mingolo's flight from the Congo to Germany and his problems settling into German society.
as Londri Mingolo
as Marcell
as Londri Mingolo jr.
as Susan
as Torben
as Tante Begi
as Sandro Boy
as Bert
as Ernie
as David Kumar
as Herr Müller
as Paco
as Herr Hoffmann
as Pastor Jerome
as Herr Neumann
as Isa
as Fatmir
as Saskia
as Steffanie
as Wolfgang
as Steinbach
as Frau Schwarz
as Kommissar Bobb
as Schulleiter Maier
as Frau Müller
as Serge
as Kontrolleur
as Lume
as Herr Schneider