General director Strøm will create a large Norwegian industrial company to tame waterfalls and put them in pipes. But also his wife Sylvia, the gifted pianist, must be tamed. However, Strøm discovers that human material is considerably more difficult to process than the forces of nature.
as Strøm, generaldirektøren
as Sylvia Strøm
as Borg, ingeniør
as Kavli, kontorsjef
as frk. Arneberg
as Ola Vetti
as Halberg, banksjef
as Per Skaret
as Impresarioen
as Vang, Sylvias far
as Melsom, styremedlem
as Førre, styremedlem
as Enevold, styremedlem
as Representanten for Det Utenlandske Konsernet
as Lensmannen
as Sjåføren
as Sykepleiersken
as En Sekretær
as Vertinnen