“Urban Motives 4.1” is an anthology film consists of 5 short movies by 5 Azerbaijani directors. The first, by Anar Abbasov, is about a relationship between a man and women who live next door; second, by Ru Hasanov, is about a life of a musician who is different from others with his mentality; third, by Teymur Ismayilov, tells a story of a young worker who has his own dreams; fourth, by Jafar Akhundzade, is about traumas caused by war; and the last one, by Vugar Islamzadeh, is a story about a criminal group and an officer who wants to take revenge.
as Neighboring woman
as Neighboring man
as Roman
as Tima
as Aydin
as Samad
as Aydin’s girlfriend
as Shafiga Bakikhanova
as Jamil
as Police officer/Colonel
as Delya
as Mrs. Shafiga’s daughter
as Mrs. Shafiga’s son-in-law
as Rovshan
as Qara
as Seymur
as Leyla