Shota Kadomatsu, a first-year high school student who transferred to a private Takehana Boys' High School surrounded by four girls' high schools just because he wanted to have a girlfriend. However, the class he entered was a group of problem children, Class 1 G, who were isolated from the school building and feared by the teachers. Shota is surprised by the dilapidated classroom and his classmates with strong quirks, but he spends his days happily in love and friendship. However, the evil organization Tennokai, which was supposed to have been crushed by the urban legend of the delinquent group G-Men after a deadly battle, was closing in on them.
as Shota Kadomatsu
as Takumi Sena
as Reina Kamishiro
as Shigeki Kimota
as Masahiro Umeda
as Ryuji Nagi
as Hitomi Amemiya
as Kaoru Date
as Kyosuke Kato
as Yagami Koichi
as Chiko
as Yuichi Yashiro
as Watanabe
as Tomonori
as Matsunaga
as Ryo Sakurai
as Bad boy