Julius, who devours comic books and vampire stories, has a lively imagination. Julius meets Arnold Cautious, who lives in an abandoned house on the outskirts of town and introduces himself as a degenerated, strawberry juice-drinking vampire. Julius and Cautious become friends. Together they try to make the Lucky Stone, the recipe for which is in Cautious' grandmother's secret recipe book. Julius wants to give the stone to his estranged parents so they can rediscover their common happiness. Julius and Arnold's laboratory attempts to make the Lucky Stone falter badly time and time again, but they stubbornly pursue their quest for happiness.
as Julius
as Antero Varovainen
as Paula
as Kullervo
as Ilona
as Mummo
as Johtaja Kärnä
as Kauko Aatos Kuoriainen
as Hannele
as Psykologi Kepponen
as Uljas Rajala
as TV-juontaja
as Rehtori Rosa Lipasto-Smith
as Virastotalon vastaanottovirkailija
as Hugo
as Johtaja Kärkinen
as Taksikuski
as Ujo poika koulussa
as Kuljettaja autossa
as Matkustaja autossa
as Matkustaja autossa
as Nainen Halloween-seurueessa
as Mies Halloween-seurueessa
as Nainen Halloween-seurueessa
as Mies Halloween-seurueessa
as Mies nuorisojoukossa
as Mies nuorisojoukossa
as Nainen nuorisojoukossa
as Tarjoilija
as Juliuksen sijaisnäyttelijä
as Ilonan sijaisnäyttelijä
as Paulan sijaisnäyttelijä