This engaging made-for-television movie follows the adventures of Ginny "Sweetie Pie" LaRosa (Kim Darby), who needs money after her trucker husband, Jack (Fred Willard), is shot by hijackers. Fortunately, she finds a partner in Flatbed Annie (Annie Potts), a freewheelin' driver. The women form an unlikely but profitable friendship while fending off the repo man who wants the truck and the criminals who are after the cocaine hidden in it.
as Flatbed Annie
as Ginny "Sweetie Pie" LaRosa
as C.W. Douglas
as Uncle Wally
as Jack LaRosa
as Deputy Miller
as Farmer
as Munroe
as Mr. Murray
as Georgina
as Al
as Nick
as Hospital Receptionist
as Elsie
as Attendant
as Arnold
as Stewardess
as L.A.P.D. 1
as L.A.P.D. 2
as Alabama Rebel