A dramatic musical written by Shibata Yukihiro, based on the full-length novel by literary master Stendahl. It depicts the attempts of Julien Sorel, a provincial young man, to rise socially beyond his modest upbringing through a combination of talent, hard work, deception, and hypocrisy.
as Julien Sorel
as Fouqué / Prince Korasoff
as Madame de Rênal
as Marquis de la Mole
as Abbé Pirard
as Mme. St-Claire
as M. Valenod
as Mme. Valentin
as M. de Rênal
as Mme. Derville
as Count Norbert
as Abbé Chélan
as Archbishop Napier
as Abbé Frilair
as Mme. Belge
as Adolf
as Lapin
as Mathilde de la Mole
as Baron de la Joumante
as Mme. de Fervaques
as Jailer
as Noblewoman
as Saint-Jean
as Stanislas
as Nobleman
as Marianne
as Gatekeeper
as Noblewoman
as Noblewoman
as Elisa
as Nobleman
as Noblewoman
as Miriam
as Nobleman
as Nobleman
as Duc de Croisenois