Take a journey to the centre of hilarity through the inane and insane ramblings from the daydreamer next door. Daniel Hutchings is the self-proclaimed Freelance Giggle-oh and he’s got his big break on Gemma Wilde’s show.
as Self, Django, Finn Michaelgan, The Ticklish Twerp, Beathoven
as Gemma Wilde, Virtuosa Grisatola, The Eighth Nice, Judge Gemma
as The Third Nice, Patient Q.C.
as Sylvia Gold
as Arthur Aiken
as Old Young Man, Hard E. Oliver
as Mark Jackson
as Jack Markson
as Frank Forte
as Hugh Moir
as The Forth Nice
as The Seventh Nice
as Francis
as Tegan Tig, Anne Sharpe Q.C.
as Jack Samuelson
as John Luke Goddard
as Young Old Man, Clarke "Slim Jim" Howard
as The Kid