Set in Delicious Town, a wonderful town where delicious food from all over the world gathers, the story depicts the PreCures who work to protect people's "delicious smiles." One day, "Dreamia", a "children's lunch theme park" where you can play and eat as much as you want, opens in a delicious town. Komekome and the others had fun playing together, including having Cait Sith, the school principal, treat the children to lunch, but Rosemary turned into a stuffed animal...
as Yui Nagomi / Cure Precious (voice)
as Kokone Fuwa / Cure Spicy (voice)
as Ran Hanamichi / Cure Yum-Yum (voice)
as Amane Kasai / Cure Finale (voice)
as Kome-Kome (voice)
as Pam-Pam (voice)
as Mem-Mem (voice)
as Takumi Shinada / Black Pepper (voice)
as Rosemary (voice)
as Cait Sith (voice)
as Secretoru (voice)
as Akiho Nagomi (voice)
as Narrator / Yone Nagomi (voice)
as Children's Lunch Recipepe (voice)