Miyuki receives an invitation from her friend Hikune Youhei to the themed inn called "Ruins", located in a virtual ghost town haunted by the legend of a vampire. However, what Kindaichi had originally dismissed as spooky rumours with no basis became horribly real when their fellow guests staying at the inn are found dead one by one, with their bodies drained of blood and wounds in their necks that resembled vampire bites
as Hajime Kindaichi
as Miyuki Nanase
as Isamu Kenmochi
as Aoko Minato
as Keisuke Hiiro
as Junko Nekoma
as Yohei Kifune
as Asaka Kaitani
as Ikuo Futagami
as Kaoru Yasuike
as Moritaro Nakare
as Tooru Hirakawa
as Yuria Tsuji
as Takahashi
as Nakane