In Verona, bad blood between the Montague and Capulet families leads to much bitterness. Despite the hostility, Romeo Montague manages an invitation to a masked ball at the estate of the Capulets and meets Juliet, their daughter. The two are instantly smitten but dismayed to learn that their families are enemies. Romeo and Juliet figure out a way to pursue their romance, but Romeo is banished for his part in the slaying of Juliet's cousin, Tybalt.
as Romeo Montague
as Juliet Capulet
as Lord Capulet
as Benvolio
as Lady Capulet
as Mercutio
as Tybalt
as The Nurse
as Lord Montague
as Lady Montague
as Prince of Verona
as Count Paris
as Abraham (House of Montague)
as Peter
as Rosaline
as Apothecary
as Jack
as Friar Laurence
as First Capulet Servant
as Second Capulet Servant