The story follows a simple family whose young son, Zeko, wins the opportunity to participate in a contest for Egypt's smartest child. As they set out to attend the contest, many paradoxes happen to them during the two-day trip
as فتحي
as صفاء
as عصام
as الجد خميس
as زيكو
as قاطع طريق
as عز الدخاخني
as الاسطى سمير
as السائق فوزي
as والدة عز الدخاخني
as المذيعة
as فتاة حادث الصحراء
as بنفسها (رئيسة المسابقة)
as قائد الفرقة الموسيقية
as ضابط الكمين
as أم على
as منسق المسابقة
as غناء