The story follows the son of a millionaire from the 1920s to the 1960s. After losing his fortune in the stock-exchange crash, he teams up with an equestrienne and becomes a circus clown.
as Yoyo / The Millionaire
as Isolina
as Yoyo enfant
as L'écuyère
as Madame de Briac
as Le domestique
as Le douanier
as La dame au collier
as Le pique-assiettes
as Le représentant en farces et attrapes
as Un artiste du cirque
as Elephant Wrangler
as Aerialists
as Le paysan
as Juggler
as Clairvoyant
as Bear Wrangler
as Bear Wrangler
as Unicycle Artist
as Gypsy Dancer
as Clown
as Clown
as Clown
as Clowns