Renowned gunman Richard Martin is traveling on a train, held up by Billy Kane, a former student of Martin's. Kane spares Martin, but only after shooting his hands. Years later, Martin meets an escaped convict, wrongly convicted for the train robbery. Martin trains his new student and both men seek out Billy Kane.
as Richard Martin
as Ricky Shot
as Betty Starr
as Billy Kane
as Kramer
as Vigonza
as Munoz
as Train Porter
as Sam
as Blonde Kane Henchman
as Kane Henchman
as Subjenas, Vigonza Henchman
as Clem
as Saloon Patron (uncredited)
as Smaller Train Conductor (uncredited)
as Townsman (uncredited)
as Saloon Patron (uncredited)
as Hezekiel (uncredited)
as Kane's Henchman Taking a Poker Card Before Getting Killed (uncredited)
as Mexican with Mustache Held Like a Slave by Vigonza (uncredited)
as Barkeeper (uncredited)
as Vigonza Henchman (uncredited)
as Hitman (uncredited)
as Piano Player (uncredited)