Tsukitaro, a young man who comes to Edo, meets a blind girl named Ochiyo. Ochiyo 's father, the grinder Yasujiro, was asked to sharpen a sword called Kongomaru, which was planned to be presented to the shogun Iemitsu, but he died due to a yakuza attack. In addition, the sword was stolen, and Ochiyo 's sister was also kidnapped... A humorous historical drama directed by Eiichi Kudo, starring Hibari Misora and Kotaro Satomi. Hibari Misora plays a male princess and shows off her charming appearance with stylish songs and dances.
as Tsukihime
as Shinzo
as Ochiyo
as Shogun Iemitsu
as Hikozaemon Okubo
as Yami no Dogoro
as Ukyo Iinuma
as Sakai Uenosuke
as Kakubei
as Torayoshi
as Sono
as Omatsu
as Okimi
as Kinai