Based on recent news events and set in the year 2037, SHADOWS is a cautionary tale, a modern day Orwellian style vision of the future. The short sci-fi film depicts a UK government using all digital technology for surveillance and control over the general population, becoming a totalitarian state. We join our lead characters, Lee and Jess on the brink of a revolution.
as Lee
as Jess
as Scarlett
as Newsreader
as Clubber
as Jogger
as VIP Club Guest
as Rebel
as News Anchor
as Clubber
as Clubber
as Clubber
as Co19 mp12
as Clubber
as Clubber
as Joe The Barman
as Clubber
as Co19 mp13 / Suited Officer
as News Reporter
as c019 mp14 / Suited Officer
as VIP Club Guest
as Clubber
as VIP Club Guest
as The Kid
as Pris Deckard
as Suited Officer